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Integrity & Compliance

Our strong commitment to integrity and compliance is essential for our operations. Invimeds is firmly committed to building a business with integrity and conducting our activities in compliance with all applicable laws and policies. Our integrity and compliance ensure that all our customers, suppliers, service providers, and team members are treated with equal respect and dealt with honestly.

Our strong culture of integrity and compliance supports our core values and helps us achieve our purpose of improving patient’s quality of life.

Knowledge & compassion

A needy patient is always the core of our thought process. Through regulatory framework and complex process of genuine access, we never lose sight of patients whose lives can be transformed.


  • Value Definition – Exceeds expectations with effectiveness, reliability, and efficiency.
  • Invimeds Attributes – Carefully analyses and balances all aspects of each decision.
  • Establishes high standards for exceptional Mission-Focused Learning and quality health care.
    Participates in education and clinical care that is evidence-based and takes all the necessary measures to ensure personal and collective safe practices


  • Value Definition – Exceeds expectations with effectiveness, reliability, and efficiency.
    Invimeds Attributes – Listens to others with kindness and concern
  • Consistently treats others with courtesy
  • Encourages an environment that is inclusive
  • Anticipates and responds to the needs and suffering of others


Our competitive edge is our team. By working together, we are able to combine our expertise and enhance performance. Our ideals start with our team. We work together to attain a common goal. 

We recognize that in order to succeed, we must recruit and keep an exceptional team while also creating a work environment in which they may grow, cooperate, and innovate. This entails assembling teams with various backgrounds, viewpoints, abilities, and experiences and assisting them in working together without fear of harassment or discrimination.

Every colleague should feel empowered to use his or her unique abilities and contributions since this is how we establish and sustain our inclusive culture.

  • Consider what others have to say.
  • Put yourself in the shoes of the other person.
  • Pay attention to the various voices that reflect our clients and their requirements.
  • Contribute to the creation of a work environment in which new ideas may drive breakthrough technology and new products.
  • Recognizes, acknowledges, and celebrates each team member’s unique talents
  • Share information and possibilities for team development


We are constantly striving to enhance our processes and provide better solutions.

Action is motivated by innovation: taking chances, encouraging curiosity and new ideas, learning from failures, and continually striving to surpass expectations. We offer solutions for our clients and seek to raise the standard — both in our workplace and in our industry — via innovation.

  • Customers are taken care of very well with our great service and genuine medicines.
  • Constant Innovation for a Strategic Competitive Advantage.
  • Idea development and problem-solving outside of what we are already doing in places we may not yet be able to reach.
  • Create a mechanism for employees to form teams and contribute ideas.
  • Encourage and reward cross-departmental and day-to-day working team collaboration.


What are the main corporate values that guide the operations of Invimeds Health?

Our key principles at Invimeds Health are Integrity, Quality, and Patient-Centricity. These principles form the basis of our company’s culture and influence all aspects of our operations.

How does Invimeds Health demonstrate integrity in its business procedures?

At Invimeds Health, integrity is of the utmost importance. We maintain openness in our transactions, follow ethical standards, and prioritize trust in our clients and partners. Our dedication to honesty ensures that we always keep our commitments. 

In what ways does Invimeds Health stress patient-centeredness in its services?

We emphasis on patient-centricity. Our objective remains to enhance patient outcomes and experiences, whether we are procuring medications, managing clinical trials, or offering healthcare solutions. 

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